

爱疯学习 2023-03-09




visualize    v.形成思维图像

in real time     实时

ahugging motion    拥抱

one-on-one sense of touch    一对一的触觉

proofof human connection    人类联系的证据

virtualexperiences    虚拟体验

lessthan instantaneous response    不到瞬时的响应

two-way feedback    双向反馈

Visualize touching your sweetheart's face on the screen of your laptop and seeing a reaction toyour touch in real time, even though you are miles apart. 1 __ _ (sudden), you feel a touch on your face.
Or if you're a grandparent, imagine 2 __ __ (make) a hugging motion during an Internet video call withyour grandchild 3 __ _ watching them squirm (扭动) in delight. Now imagine feelingthat child's sweet kiss on your cheek.
Technology allows us 4 _    _(see) and hear each other from almost anywhere in the world,but our devices still can't give us that kind of one-on-one sense 5 _  _ touch—that proof ofhuman connection.
“Physical touch,human touch, is probably the 6 ___  __ (deep), most significant emotional 7 __  _ (relate) that you can establish with aloved one or friends,” said nanoengineer John Rogers, a professor of bioengineering at NorthwesternUniversity.
For years, sciencehas been scrambling to (争先恐后地去) add tactile sensation to our virtual experiences. Various 8__  _ (type) of electronic skins 9 __  __(develop), typically reliant on clunky wired electrodes (笨重的有线电极) thatprovide less than instantaneous response and 10 __  __ lack of two-way feedback.



1. Suddenly  考查词性转换。在句首充当状语应该用副词形式。

2. making   考查非谓语动词。因imagine doing sth为固定搭配,“想象做某事”。

3. and   考查连词。imagine making ahugging motion…和watching them squirm…是并列关系。

4. to see   考查非谓语动词。allow sb to do sth为固定搭配“允许某人做某事”。

5. of   考查介词。sense of touch“触觉”,是固定搭配。

6.deepest   考查形容词最高级。由后文的“most significant”可知,deep应用最高级。

7.relation   考查词性转换。空格前的emotional是形容词,故空格处应用名词形式。

8. types   考查名词单复数。前有various修饰,故用名词单复数形式。

9. have been developed   考查动词的时态。由前文的For years, science has been scrambling to add…可知本句应用现在完成时,又因为electronic skins和develop是动宾关系,所以需用被动语态。

10. a   考查冠词。a lack of 固定搭配,意为“缺乏……”。



mobile communications    移动通讯

data rate    数据传输率

expressway    n.高速公路

artificial intelligence    人工智能

The most remarkable features of the 5G network is its highspeed. 5G can achieve up to 10 Gigabits (千兆位) per second datarates, 1 _______is a hundred times faster than current 4G networks.
For example, ittakes about six minutes 2 ___________ (download) a two-hour film 3 _______ (use) 4G. But thewaiting time can 4 _____________ (shorten) to only 3.6 seconds 5 ______ 5G. Just like carson the roads: a four-lane expressway has a bigger maximum traffic flow than asingle-lane road.
5G can do so muchmore than making your Internet faster.
Not only can it provide better experience to augmentedreality (AR) (增强现实) and virtual reality (VR) products, 5G can also bringautonomous vehicles out of the lab, make smart home smarter, 6 ______ provide more possibilities to artificial intelligence

(AI). China has been putting 7 ________ (effort) in 5G development. The country is expected to start the pre-commercial use of 5G, mostly on smartphones, in 8 ____ second half of 2019. And the three major telecom (电讯) operators of China, China Mobile, China Unicom and ChinaTelecom, plan to launch commercial 5G 9 _________(serve) in 2020, and some 5G 10 _____________ (apply) of Internet of Vehicles will be realized in the sameyear.



1. which   考查连词。引导非限制性定语从句,指代5G网络,故填which。

2. todownload  考查非谓语动词。It takes sb some time to dosth意为“某人花时间做某事”,故填to download。

3.using   考查非谓语动词。因句中已有谓语动中takes,use应为非谓语动词。使用4G下载电影大概需要6分钟,作方式状语,表主动,故填using。

4. beshortened   考查被动语态。根据句意,等待时间被缩短为3.6秒,表被动,故填be shortened。

5. with   考查介词。表示“用5G”,故填with。

6. and   考查连词。因bring,make,provide是三个并列谓语动词,因此用and连接。

7. efforts   考查名词单复数。因effort为可数名词,且前面无限定词,故填efforts。

8. the   考查冠词。序数词前用定冠词the表顺序,故填the。

9. service   考查词性转换。根据设空处所在句子的句意可知,中国网络运营商计划2020年发行商用5G服务,因此转化成名词service。

10.applications  考查词性转换。根据设空处可知是指一些5G应用,故转化为名词application, 再由some可知, 不止一种应用程序, 故填applications。



behome to …    的发源地;……之乡

lookdown on/upon sb    看不起某人

agold and silver medal    金牌和银牌

bereplaced by…    被……替换,被……取代

In  the  past, women  were  not allowed  to  touch dragon boats, because it was consideredbad luck. Dong Aili had never thought she would be at the top

of the podium (颁奖台), 1 _______(get) a gold medal.

A small town of Jiujiang in southern China is home 2 ___ the top women dragon boating team. Dong has beenprofessionally trained for the past ten years at age 43. When she joined, shewas 3 _____ youngest person. Many women in the team were in 4 _______ (they) 40s and 50s. Their opponents used to look down on thembecause of their age. They didn't think the team would be fast, but then they 5 ______(win).
When the local team came together 12 years ago, it was a group of middle-aged fish 6 ___________ (farmer) and factoryworkers. But they 7 ________ (go) on to win multiple worldchampionships since then. Last year, they even got a gold and silver medal atthe Asian Games, one of the 8 _________(high) levels ofcompetition for the sport.
For Dong and herteammates, 9 _____ have spent most of their lives in this little town, they hadnever thought of traveling outside the province. They are challengingtraditional views, showing that women can also compete like men. The oldermembers are 10 __________ (gradual) being replaced by youngblood, and the extraordinary story goes on.



1. getting   考查非谓语动词。本句已有谓语动词,应填非谓语动词,表主动,故填getting。

2. to   考查介词。句意:九江边上的这个小镇是

国家女子龙舟队的摇篮 (发源地)。behome to为


3. the  考查冠词。形容词最高级前,往往用定冠词,故填the。

4. their   考查代词。因in one's twenties/ thirties/ forties…意为“某人二十多/三十多/四十多……”,故填形容词性物主代词。

5. won   考查动词的时态。根据上下文可知,讲述的是过去的事情,用一般过去时,故填won。

6. farmers   考查名词单复数。由a groupof可知要用复数形式,且后面的factoryworkers也有提示,故填farmers。

7. have gone   考查动词的时态。由since then(自从那时开始)可知要用现在完成时,故填havegone。

8.highest   考查形容词最高级。由one of及空前的the可知要用最高级,填highest。

9. who   考查连词。引导非限制性定语从句,先行词Dong and herteammates指人,故填who。

10.gradually   考查词性转换。修饰动词being replaced应用副词,故填gradually。



pausebriefly    稍停片刻

beattached to    与……连接;附属于

withexpectation    期待地

acollection of stories    作品集

surprisinglydiverse    出奇地多样化

dailynecessities    日常用品

    On a quiet street corner in a neighbourhood in Beijing, XueMin, a recent graduate, is fighting off mosquitoes, as she encourages passers-by to browse (随便看看) the earrings shehas laid out on a cloth. “Have a look,” she says brightly to a couple, 1 _____ pause briefly before moving on.

    Just before 10 p.m., two men arrive with a food cart—a gas stove, wok andcounter, 2 __________ (attach) to a motorbike, and begin toprepare their menu of fried rice and noodles. Xue and her neighbour, a womanselling books and toothbrushes, watch with

3 _____________ (expect). Businessmight pick up a little now.

    Soon, more people begin to stop. Two young men, 4 __________ (carry) a bag of cans of beer, browse the books. One 5 ______ (pick) up a translation of Prideand Prejudice before choosing a collection of

6 ________ (story) by Arthur Conan Doyle. 7 ____ other buys a journal.

    It is a scene thatshould belong to another era, when Beijing's sidewalks 8 _____ (be) often crowded with hawkers (小贩) selling local street food and a 9 ______________(surprising) diverseselection of daily necessities—socks, tableware, DVDs, textbooks, andpets.  Street vendors (摊贩) came  to be viewed as  backwards  and poor, pushed  out by many cityauthorities 10 ______ an effort to modernise the country's urban centres.



1. who   考查连词。引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是acouple(一对夫妇),故用who引导。

2. attached  考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语arrive,故attach应作为非谓语,由be attached to(与……连接在一起的)可知填attached。

3.expectation   考查词性转换。作介词with的应用名词。with expectation表示“期待地;满怀期待地”。

4.carrying   考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词browse,故carry应作为非谓语,又因carry与逻辑主语men是主动关系,所以填carrying。

5. picks   考查动词的时态。由上下文可知,此处应该用一般现在时,主语是第三人数单数,故填picks。

6. stories   考查名词单复数。由 acollection of 表示“一批,一些”可知,此处应用复数形式。

7. The   考查冠词。由上文Two youngmen及one…可知,用the other表示“(表示两者中)另一个”。

8.were   考查主谓一致。由下文的came 可知用一般过去时,主语sidewalks为复数,故填were。

9.surprisingly 考查词性转换。修饰形容词diverse,应用副词。surprisingly diverse表示“种类出奇地多”。

10. in   考查介词。因in an effort todo 是固定搭配,表示“试图;努力”。



offerusers private access to    为用户提供私人访问

(be)located on    位于

aheritage site    遗址

streamsof questions    一连串的问题

age-appropriate    adj.适龄的

beavailable for users     可供用户使用

takean independent trip     独立旅行

    The CanadaAgriculture and Food Museum has partnered with Google Arts & Culture 1__________ (develop) “Explore a Dairy Farm,” a virtual reality (VR)exploration available through the Google Explorations app.

    This virtual touroffers users private access to rarely-seen areas of the museum, which is a working farm located ona 2 _________(nation) heritage site. Follow themuseum's herdspeople (牧民) as they complete 3_______ (they) afternoon chores and care for the dairy herd.

    Created using 3D photography, the virtual tour 4 _________(design) to be viewed using a smartphone within a Google Cardboard viewer. Thetour can also be viewed 5 _______a smartphone or tablet—without 6 ________ (use) Google Cardboard. There 7 _____ (be) nine slides, or broad views, with each one offeringbetween three and five 8 _________ (point) of interest.

    The museum has alsoprepared several streams of questions that teachers can present to theirstudents about the tour, 9 _________ are age-appropriate for different grade levels and linked to thegeography. A narrated sound file is also available for users who want to take10 _____ independent trip.



1. todevelop   考查非谓语动词。因句中已有谓语动词haspartnered;develop应为非谓语动词;表示目的,用其不定式形式todevelop。

2. national  考查词性转换。修饰名词短语heritagesite,应用形容词。

3. their   考查代词。修饰名词afternoonchores (下午的日常事务)应用形容词性物主代词。

4. isdesigned  考查被动语态。因主语the virtualtour与谓语动词design之间是被动关系,故应填is designed。

5. with   考查介词。表示“用”应用介词with。

6. using  考查非谓语动词。在介词without后应用v.-ing,故填using。

7. are   考查主谓一致。Therebe遵循就近原则,nine slides是复数,且据上下文应用一般现在时,故用are。

8. points   考查名词单复数。因受three andfive修饰,要用复数形式。

9. which   考查连词。引导非限制性定语从句,进一步说明先行词questions是适合不同年级水平的学生的,故填which。

10. an   考查冠词。在以元音音素开头的independent前,且trip是单数,故用an。



self-discovery    自我发现

agood percentage of    很大一部分

manageto do    设法做

    In the journey to self-discovery, it is very important 1 _____________(understand) what success is. In today's world a good percentage of people define success 2 _____ becoming famous, being on the cover of magazines, 3 ________ (have) lots of money in their bank account and so much more.

    Before I 4 ________ (become) a Life Coach, I had studied Civil Engineering inschool after which things were moving pretty well and I had lots of 5 ________ (business) in Lagos. At that point, I thought I had succeeded6 _____ I was wrong because I was never truly happy and I just couldn't get rid of that feeling like something was missing.

    At every stage of our lives we grow, at every level we want something 7 ________(many) and we keep feeling like there is an aspect ofourselves we haven't managed to use. At 8 _________(difference) points in time, success or being successful willmean different things to different people.

    Success is not 9 ___ destination; you can never fully arrive at a place and sayyou are successful. Success through self-discovery is about understanding that one can never 10 __________ (complete) know himself or herself.



1. tounderstand   考查非谓语动词。因it is adj.to do sth为固定句型,故填to understand。

2. as   考查介词。因define…as为固定搭配,意为“把……定义为”,故填as。

3. having   考查非谓语动词。由becoming和being可知,应用动词ing形式作宾语。

4. became   考查动词的时态。由had可知,应用一般过去时,故填became。

5.businesses   考查名词单复数。因有lots of修饰,应用复数形式。

6. but   考查连词。因hadsucceeded和wrong表转折关系,故填but。

7. more   考查比较级等级。由句意可知,表示“……想要更多”应用比较级。故填more。

8.different   考查词性转换。修饰名词points应用形容词,故填different。

9. a  考查冠词。根据名词destination可知,名词前应加不定冠词,表泛指,故填a。

10.completely   考查词性转换。修饰动词know应用副词,故填completely。


考纲词汇:爱疯英语 词汇通关80天

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高考完形填空短文高频词汇高考阅读理解高频词汇高考全国卷中出现的熟词生义高考完形填空选项高频词汇可接doing但不接to do作宾语的动词和短语动词可接sb to do sth的动词和短语动词可接to do但不接doing作宾语的动词或短语动词书面表达常用词汇和高级词汇书面表达常用关联词语已考的和可能要考的易混词辨析阅读理解题文同义转换词汇七选五阅读导图引路+考情表解+解题方略考点破解


话题狂背:人际关系    语言学习    旅游交通    自然灾害    崇拜偶像    历史文化    体育运动    网络时代    生物保护    文娱活动    节假活动    健康饮食    财富问题    航天科技    美丽世界    巾帼英雄    农业技术    语言幽默    肢体语言    主题公    读写微技能:基本句型的扩展    如何做到篇章结构连贯    写好长句的技巧    如何写好主语    常用it句型    


